Food Pics For IG - A How To Guide

As some of you reading already know, my family runs a restaurant in Wheeling, IL. Wellllll, I love the fam so of course I take pictures of all the food for the IG page, @H.D.Cuisine.

Here’s what I have learned:

  1. Lighting - Sunlight and sunlight ONLY! It is the best and only light I like to use. Sometimes I use a speed lite but if I do, it’s still daytime. Sun is still shining on the ingredients and dishes I shoot.

  2. Plates are the key - Make sure your plates are always plain to help the dish shine in the photograph.

  3. Editing - I use Lightroom to create the perfect filters. I like to add lots of texture (25 minimum), sharpening and lots of geometry-messing. I like to adjust the geometry so that the plate of food is angled as much as it can be towards the lens.

  4. Use an app such as Preview to set up your feed ahead of time. That way you can make sure the colors blend and everything looks perfect!

  5. Eat!!!


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